Monday, February 25, 2008

Daddy drinks because you cry

Well, baby cries because she drinks champagne cocktails at an alarming rate. I am going to have to admit to being middle aged. I have reached the point in my life when a hangover is now a two day affair. What happens to the body? Is it less resilient, does my liver really know it is almost 40 years old? EVEN if I tricked it and didn't really enjoy going to the local boozeteria until well into my 20's? The only good to come out of my wasted Saturday was ample time to feel sorry for myself AND the opportunity to watch the first season of The Royle Family.

I will always marvel at the number of fantastic programs the BBC has churned out. In this particular show, nothing happens. The viewer is sucked into the mediocrity of a family of northerners who do nothing but smoke, watch tv, and eat the occasional bacon butty. Yet somehow, it is hilarious and endearing and enlightening all in one go. Unfortunately, it was short lived because of some sort of studio turmoil and the private lives of the cast and writers. The strangest thing is that I find the show somewhat inspiring. I guess a lesson on how NOT to live ones life.

Oh, Caroline Aherne, come to the U.S. and we will make it alright.

1 comment:

lanyard said...

Kevin MacDonald, saying "Daddy drank": one of the more strangely poignant moments on television.

I have discovered that when I am drinking champagne by myself, I drink the whole bottle. A bottle of champagne and a grilled cheese sammitch: the dinner of champeens.