Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Morning Snippet

I hate it when someone gets into the elevator at the last minute. This a.m. it happened not once, but twice. First, a giant man wedged his body between the doors at the last minute. Shortly thereafter, a small mousy being with earmuffs and a coat 3 times her size zipped in before the doors slammed shut. The following conversation took place:

Doors shut, Mouse looks up at Large and says
"Helloooo", her voice is whiny and mocking and I snort a bit at her comedic approach to mornings at the office.

Large mumbles something with an 'H' in it.

Mouse gazes up at the informative Captivate screen, which notes that people from Denmark rate to be the happiest in the world.

Mouse: pointing at the screen, "Now, why do we need to know that?"

It is at this point that I realize that the comedic sound IS her real voice.
Large emits grunt.

The next news tidbit of the day grants the viewer with a list of the highest rated stocks.

Mouse: "And why do we need to know that?"

Large is doing a great job of avoiding Mouse's imploring gaze.
A newsflash about the Bush check incentives flashes across the screen. Mouse fidgets with excitement. The elevator stops. The doors start to open.

Mouse: "Hey, if they send me a check in the mail, I'll take it. Who wouldn't?"

Mouse scurries behind Large as he takes long steps, presumably to keep her from getting underfoot.

This snippet was a fantastic example of what is wrong with this society. The "who gives a fuck about that, oooh, can I have that?" culture. All immediacy, without a thought about the big picture. I hope Mouse spends her check wisely. She will probably plonk down a down payment on a Jennifer Sofabed or perhaps a singles cruise to DR.

I am going to sell all my stocks and move to Denmark.

1 comment:

lanyard said...

Do you really own stock? If so, I feel bad.

If not, I get jokes.
