Monday, February 18, 2008

In Deep, In Bruges

Yes, connoisseurs of the pan flute will note that I quoted Yanni.

I just returned from a testosterone laden evening, which started with a viewing of the latest McDonagh film, In Bruges, starring Colin Ferrell's expressive eyebrows. The man has gone from touting his sexy wares with a lift of a brow, to befuddling audiences with the knitting of his hair cigars in a look of permanent confusion. Regardless, I still liked the film, though there were a few pat wrapping up of mysteries and some of the twists seemed a bit obvious. One scene that struck me favorably, however, was that of Ken (Gleason) watching Ray (Ferrell) prepare himself for a date. It was a man moment rarely witnessed; tender, charming, and fleeting and it was devoid of the sap one would normally see.
Everyone was up to snuff. Even Ralph Fiennes as Ben Kingsley, the new tough guy (see Sexy Beast), did the role justice.

Best supporting role goes to Belgian ale, which was quaffed copiously.

In retrospect, I find it amusing that the fellas I was with chose to repair to the local brew pub to get Stella and snails. Tough guys are all the same.

1 comment:

lanyard said...

"Hair cigars": HA!

Who was it that was telling me Stella is frowned upon as a crappy beer in Europa? Is this true? Drunkquiring minds want to know.

I went to Bruges once; Flemish: that's some weird shit.