Monday, March 3, 2008

Spring Cometh

Springtime is definitely in my top 4 favorite seasons. It means tulips, Easter egg hunts (this year I have enlisted my favorite Jewish friend to do the honors in Prospect Park), and my all time favorite: the spring clean!!! It is around now that I start to eye the furniture suspiciously, wondering if I can manage to move it myself. Suddenly, nothing has value. I would gladly rid of my painstakingly collected matchbooks from shitty pubs from New Jersey, and that sampling of exotic potato chip flavors from the South suddenly has no meaning anymore. Nothing is sacred, all sentimentality has been stripped from objects d'art. Wedding photos (eh, it turned out to be a sham anyway) can be found in the bin next to a like letter (he just wasn't that into me) and a threadbare concert t-shirt from the formative years. Everything must go! New new new. I can't help but wonder if this is a natural instinct to free myself from the shackles of "things", or if I am just making room for the next round of crap that I expect to amass in the coming year.
Either way, it feels good.

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