Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's me, Cathy!

Now and then I am struck with an honest to goodness, deep down hearty NEED to hear some Kate Bush. I grew up in the woods, so perhaps listening to faerie woodland sprites is in my blood.

Tonight I did a search-a-roo on the galawebaxy and found this lil' gem.

It starts off with an advertisement for American Apparel if the founder and CEO were interesting and smart and not a complete misogynistic prick bastard. It quickly segues to Kate herself, looking manic and small and belting it out with the rigor of someone who lives without the fear of being judged. The final installment features a lovely girl wearing a turtleneck. She dances and mimes in a dimly lit, barren room, which I can't believe is her residence. If anything, it is probably the dining area of a house with a high asking price on her block. (Give it two months and it will be a full-on derelict squat.)

Her lip syncing is good, and now and then she gives the camera a look of sheer nuttiness, which pays subtle homage to the original recording artist. Towards the end, however, she starts to sex up her moves, which is really quite incongruous with the song and the vocals. Suddenly, the pretty girl wearing a sweater (which I covet) in the dark room is the loony girl who won't leave, and this is when then terror begins. I can only imagine that months down the road, when the new owner of this 3 BDRM, 2.5 BATH home finds a cassette with Kate Bush scrawled on it in fuschia ink, that a shiver will run down their spine.